Different Types of Wool and their Benefits: Sheep, Camel, and Yak Wool

The Wonders of Wool 

Wool, a true wonder of nature, comes with a host of remarkable benefits that extend well beyond its reputation for warmth and comfort. This biodegradable, natural protein fiber not only envelops you coziness but also plays a crucial role in nurturing a more environmentally friendly world. Join us as we explore the different types of wool and its benefits to your everyday life. 

The Magic of Wool: Sustainability as its Finest 

At its core, wool embodies sustainability. Derived from the undercoats of sheep, yak, and camels, it's a resource that renews itself, year after year. Mongolians lead the way in sustainable wool production, employing gentle hand-combing techniques that prioritize animal well-being and maintain the fiber's integrity. 

A Fabric that Breathes with You 

One of wool's standout question is its ability to adapt to your body's needs. This incredible fabric excels at moisture absorption and release, ensuring you stay comfortable and dry, no matter the weather. Whether it's the chill of winter or the heat of summer, wool's densely arranged fibers create tiny air pockets within, allowing it to breathe effortlessly. 

A Good Night's Sleep, Courtesy of Wool

Who doesn't want a few extra minutes of sleep? Research carried out by the University of Sydney revealed that incorporating wool pajamas and/or woolen comforter into your sleep routine can contribute to an additional 15 minutes of sleep. This benefit arises from wool's ability to manage body temperature because of its high protein properties promoting breathability, plays a pivotal role in achieving this outcome. 

Heart-Healthy Sleep

Intriguingly, wool also has a positive impact on your heart rate. A study conducted by the Polytechnic Institute of Wales demonstrated that individuals who incorporate wool pajamas or woolen comforters during sleep tend to exhibit a lower heart rate. The effect is likely due to the ability of wool to facilitate deeper sleep through effective temperature regulation, in contrast to other fiber options that maintain their existing heart rate or experience an elevation. 

Comfort for fibromyalgia 

Fibromyalgia can be challenging, but wool offers relief. According to research from Ataturk University, individuals who included wool products in their sleep routines reported a significant reduction in pain, including fewer tender points and an improved daily functioning in dealing with fibromyalgia. This beneficial outcome is linked to the body's temperature regulation and the soothing softness of wool fibers, which promote relaxation and gentleness. 

Sustainable Sourcing 

One of the remarkable aspect of wool production is its sustainability. Yaks and camels naturally shed their hair in spring or early summer and herders simply brush the animal and collect the wool. This traditional practice has little to no impact on the animal and the nomadic herding traditions have minimal impact on their native ecosystems and habitats. Sheep, on the other hand, are sheared in preparation for the warm weather, leaving them lighter and ready for the summer. This shearing process is not harmful to the sheep but provides them with relief. This sustainable approach not only preserves the delicate balance of these remote regions but also supports the livelihoods of local communities. 

Types of Wool:

1. Sheep wool: A Versatile Marvel 

As the name indicates, the wool is sourced from sheep. Producing approximately 2-30 lbs of wool annually. The quantity of yarn a sheep yields depends on factors such as breed, genetics, nutrition, and shearing intervals. 

To reference some of our products made using Sheep Wool:

  • Wool has beneficial properties, including moisture absorption, the capacity to absorb harmful chemicals, enhancement of indoor air quality, sound absorption, and natural fire resistance. Additionally, wool is resistant to mold due to its keratin content.  
  • Wool is renewable, natural material that can be either reused, recycled due to its durability, or composted, thus reducing the need for landfill disposal. 

Three Grades of Wool 

Wool comes in three distinct grades, each with its unique characteristics:

  • Long Wool Sheep 

Fleece from long wool sheep is the heaviest due to their coarse and lengthy fibers. This variety of wool, referred to as carpet wool, it primarily used in crafting carpet and tapestries. According to the International Wool Textile Organization (I.W.T.O), coarse wool comprises 41% of the world's wool production. 

  • Medium Wool Sheep

Medium wool sheep is the lightest, which is utilized for creating items like blankets, sweaters, socks, and for the process of felting. The International Wool Textile Organization (I.W.TO) categorizes 22% of wool production worldwide as medium wool. 

  • Fine Wool Sheep 

Fine wool is esteemed for its finer fiber diameter and versatility, making it the most valuable type of wool. Clothing made from fine wool is less likely to cause itching. The I.W.T.O reports that 37% of the world's wool production falls into the fine wool category. 

2. Camel Wool: A Timeless Treasure 

Camel wool, often referred to as camel hair, is a remarkable natural fiber that has been cherished for centuries. This unique material originates from the Bactrian camel, a two-humped subspecies native to the Mongol Steppes region, spanning from Turkey to China and Siberia in Asia

Mongolia: The Global Hub of Camel Wool 

Mongolia is the world's largest exporter of camel hair, Nomadic Bactrian camel breeders, who inherit their craft from generations past, have a pivotal role in the production of this fiber. These breeders employ both traditional and modern techniques to harvest the camel wool, ensuring the preservation of this age-old tradition while adapting to contemporary demands. 

Bactrian Camel 

Bactrian camels are renowned for their long, lustrous hair, setting them apart from other camel subspecies with shorter coats. Their thick mane serves a dual purpose, consisting of an outer layer of guard hair and soft undercoat. 

The guard hair, coarse and thick, shields the camel from the harsh elements of winter, giving these camels their distinctive, fluffy appearance. Meanwhile, the undercoat, exceptionally soft and insulating, is the coveted treasure used to create beautiful garments. 

Three Grades of Camel Hair 

Camel hair comes in three distinct grades, each with its unique characteristics and uses: 

  • High-Grade

It is the finest camel wool and is harvested from the undercoat. It boasts a a soft texture and displayed a light tan color, making it ideal for crafting luxurious textiles that exude elegance and comfort.  

  • Medium-Grade 

Also sourced from the undercoat, medium-grade camel hair is longer and coarser compared to its high-grade counterpart. Garments made from medium-grade fibers may have a slightly rougher texture but still provide warmth and durability. 

  • Low-grade 

This grade comes from the camel's guard hair, known for being significantly thicker and coarser. While unsuitable for making garments, low-grade camel hair is used to craft robust carpets and other textiles. 


The Art of Crafting Camel Wool 

Once the camel hair falls from the camels, it undergoes a meticulous process to transform it into luxurious textile. It starts with washing the hair to remove impurities, followed by carding, where the hair is separated into individual strands. These strands are then spun into yarn, washed one final time, and finally used to create a wide range of garments and textiles for homes and wardrobes worldwide. 

3. Yak Wool: A Rare Gem

Yak wool, a lesser-known natural fiber, holds a unique place in the realm of textiles. Originating from the remote Himalayan region and parts of Central Asia, yak wool's scarcity and exceptional qualities make it a unique material. The traditional nomadic nature of yak herding in the Himalayan region and Central Asia makes large-scale commercial production challenging. Consequently, yak wool remains exclusive and comes with a higher price tag due to its limited availability. 

Here is our sample product using Yak Wool



6 Unique Qualities of Yak Wool 

1. Temperature Regulation 

Like any other wool yak wool has the ability to regulate body temperature. This feature allows wearers to remain comfortable and dry during physical activities and long periods of wear in varying weather conditions. Whether you're hiking in the mountains or enduring chilly winters, yak wool has you covered. 

2. Moisture-Wicking 

Yak wool excels at moisture-wicking, efficiently absorbing and transporting moisture away from the skin. This quality not only keeps you dry during strenuous activities but also discourages the growth of bacteria, reducing unwanted odors. Yak wool products remain fresh and odor-free after extended use. 

3. Gentle on the Skin 

Although yak wool can be coarse it is generally soft enough to be worn comfortably by a wide range of people. It's unlikely to cause discomfort or irritation, making it a great choice for those with sensitive skin. 

4. Thick and Warm in Wet Conditions 

With fibers ranging from 20 to 100 microns in diameter, yak wool is coarser compared to merino wool. However, this thickness is an advantage, as it allows yak wool to retain heat effectively even in wet conditions, making it invaluable in extremely cold and damp environments. 

5. Hypoallergenic Nature 

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, yak wool is favorable choice as it is less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to synthetic or non-natural fibers. However, individual sensitivities may vary, so it's always best to test for allergies before extensive use. 

6. Durability and Resilience 

Yak wool's robust and coarse nature makes it exceptionally durable. It's resistant to abrasion and damage, which makes it suitable for heavy-duty outdoor garments and rugged clothing designed for challenging climates. 

Beyond the cozy reputation, wool emerges as a champion of sustainability. Its biodegradability and renewable sourcing align with our commitment to a greener planet. Wool not only cares for you, but also for the environment, making it a choice that feels good on every level. 

By incorporating wool into your life, you will not only enjoy its benefits but also contribute to the preservation of ethical and sustainable practices. So, wrap yourself in the warmth and comfort of wool, knowing that you're making a choice that not only feels good but does good. 

